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Art Center
Kimono, dual-wielding knives by DG
Kimono with mask and katana by DG
BL-tan (Enpatsu Shakugan version) by DG
Bicycle shorts line art by Sae; color by Hayate
BL-tan's weapons: Souka & Hisui by Hayate
Full figure BL-tan design by Hayate
Battle Sprites
Standing, with spear by DG
Red version of above by DG
Spear animation frames by DG
Spear animation frames ver2 by DG
Standing with spear (large) by DG
Mega Proto Design (incomplete) by DG
Ubar Proto Design (incomplete) by DG
Ultra Proto Design (incomplete) by DG
Final Preview (incomplete) by DG
Final Standing (large sprite) by DG
Final Standing Worksheet (large sprite) by DG
Final Standing w/ knife (refined) by DG
Knife stab animation frames (incomplete) by DG
Ready Stance, Neo-Size by DG
Knife animation frames, Neo-Size by DG
Knife attack animation, Neo-Size by DG
Standing with knife (and left-handed, too!) by Constanze
640x480 resolution demonstration by Constanze
640x480 resolution demonstration 2 by Constanze
320x240 work area by Altrael
More 320x240 by Altrael
Updated design BL-Tan sprite by Constanze
Updated yet again design BL-Tan sprite by Constanze
Experimental spritesheet, Taozi Custom by DG
Field Sprites
BL-tan Sprite by Hayate
Test Template by Hayate
Player Characters
BD (Black Dove)
BD in chair without armor by BD
Full-length design sketch plus notes by BD
Full-length, color picture by BD
Perspective Drawing by BD
Animated Walking by BD
BD and two random towns people by BD
Concept art, character portrait by Hayate
Full body shot with weapons by Hayate
Rough concept sketch by Constanze
Rough but more polished than above sketch by DG
Overall design by Hayate.
Depletion Garden
Depletion Garden, version 1 by DG
Depletion Garden, version 2 by DG
Depletion Garden, version 3 by DG
Depletion Garden, version 4 by DG
Depletion Garden, version 5 by DG
Dark Meido Lieutenant, version 1 by DG
Dark Meido Lieutenant, version 2 by DG
Dark Meido Lieutenant, version 2.5 by DG
Dark Meido Lieutenant, version 3 by DG
Dark Meido Bodyguard by DG
DG-ko Rough Draft by DG
Potential ending CG/bonus art by DG
Depletion Garden, version 1 by DG
Depletion Garden, version 2 sprite practice by DG
Dark Meido Lieutenant, sprite practice by DG
Dark Meido Lieutenant, sprite practice, new colour scheme by DG
Dark Meido Lieutenant, sprite experimentation refined by Hayate
Delirium Elephants
Delirium Elephants, how he should look by BD, how he wants to look like by DG
Another DE sketch by DG
Concept sketch 1 by Kaorin
Concept sketch 2 by Kaorin
Concept sketch 3 by Kaorin
Concept sketch 4 by Kaorin
Setoru Concept by Kaorin
Concept sketch 5 (without armor) by Kaorin
Concept sketch 6 (without armor) by Kaorin
Wielding an M3870 by Kaorin
Another concept by DG
Concept portrait drawing by Hayate
Kao~Rin~Rin Joke Drawing by DG
Kaorin Neo Rough Concept by DG
Kaorin Neo by DG
Concept battle sprite 1 by Kaorin
Concept battle sprite 2 by Kaorin
Concept battle sprite 3 by Kaorin
Kiryuu-Rekka (Hayate)
Concept portrait drawing by Hayate
Concept version 1 by DG
Concept version 2 by DG
Konoha Hyper-Mode Concept by DG
Konoha, Hyper-Mode by Hayate
Manah Concept by DG
Manah Concept 2 by DG
NoodleKnight concept by BD
NoodleKnight Concept 2 by BD
O Hakubi
Rough sketch by DG
Rough sketch 2 by DG
Perspective Drawing by BD
Concept portrait drawing by Hayate
Perspective Drawing by BD
Concept portrait drawing by Hayate
Concept battle sprite by Altrael
Zophar Ecksington
Rough sketch, incomplete by DG
Rough sketch, incomplete by DG
Non-Player Characters
Mad Sage concept portrait drawing by Hayate
EBL-tan by Hayate
General Reapsalot, Arcane Priests, and Chaos Knights by BD
Full-Armor General Reapsalot by BD
The Big Cheese, 5th Realm Mob Boss by BD
Technogunner, Lena by DG
Random Lena sketches by DG
Lena redesign with Gladius by DG
Lena polished version by Hayate
Unfinished Bandit Standing by Constanze
Unfinished Bandit Standing(Zoomed) by Constanze
Unfinished Bandit Movement(Zoomed) by Constanze
Unfinished Bandit Struck(Zoomed) by Constanze
Unfinished Bandit Attacking by Constanze
Unfinished Bandit Attacking(Zoomed) by Constanze
Unfinished Bandit Standing Frames by Constanze
Unfinished Bandit Movement Frames by Constanze
Unfinished Bandit Struck Frames by Constanze
Unfinished Bandit Attack Frames by Constanze
Beta Color Bandit by Constanze
Cowboy, ronin, and general soldier enemy concepts by DG
Ninja by BD
Golem Knight by BD
Brigand by Banquo
Evil Knight by Banquo
Evil Knight Marshall by Banquo
Random creeps by Banquo
Chaos Knight concept by Comic-Z
Flamers, Lurkers, and Tentacles by BD
Mad Kitty v1, 3rd Realm Mecha by BD
Rough Chaos Beast concepts by Constanze
Chaos Beast concept by DG
Chaos Beast concept by BD
Altrael by Altrael
Arai by DG
Banquo by BD
Kieran by DG
Ryuusoul by BD
Shopkeeper by DG
Moon Priestess ver1 by DG
Head Moon Priestess ver1 by DG
Head Moon Priestess ver2 by DG
Saber Temple Knight by DG
Saber Knight Captain, Rough by DG
Saber Knight Captain, Not so rough but drawn kinda crappily by DG
Saber Knight Captain, New Sword by DG
Saber Knight Vice-Captain, Rough by DG
Saber Knight Vice-Captain, Rough by DG
Saber Knight Vice-Captain New Armour Comparison by DG
Mikan, line art by Sae; color by Hayate
Bartender and Nurse concepts by DG
Pharmacist by DG
Dark Meido Lieutenant, Dual Kodachi ver. by DG
Delivery Girl by DG
Loli Weaponsmith (medieval) by DG
Loli Weaponsmith (futuristic) by DG
HiKo Shrine Head Maid by DG
Portrait Picture Concept by Comic-Z
Rakkyo-tan line art by Sae; color by Hayate
Fate-tan line art by Sae; color by Hayate
Ataraxia-tan line art by Sae; color by Hayate
Generic Mercenaries by DG
Reapsalot Minions by Lukannon
Rach Assnavel by DG
Amofo Ley by DG
Saber sprite by Hayate
Neko-Kohaku by BD
Arcueid by BD
Initial SD Concept Sketches by BD
EmagEvil and Sorrow Dragon by BD
RK versus Reapsalot by BD
Family Picture by Hayate
Jinki with Konoha, KR, and Dark Meido Lt. by DG
DE, BD, and NPC sprites by BD
More sprites and map tiles by BD
BL-tan and Saber by Hayate. Generic Nurse, DG, and RK sprites by DG
Empty Version by Hayate
World Design
Sssssz's idea of the realms by RK
BD's idea of the realms by BD
BL World, First Phase by BD
BL World with notes by BD
BL World, Second Phase by BD
World Final, High-Res by BD
World Final, Low-Res by BD
Magical city by Banquo
More sprites and map tiles by BD
Cade's Tonfas, RK's fake Caladbolg, and KR's Murakamo by Hayate
DE's Tonbogiri and Raf's Ovelia by Hayate
Deity statues by BD
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