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Top > BL Characters > Constanze





Name: Constanze

Class: S. Agent, Rogue Agent

Forumite Name: Constanze

Character Code: CONS

Physical Description


Eyes: Obscured

Age: Vague

Hair: Chocolate Brown

Gender: Male

Skin: Somewhere between fair and tanned

Height: 5'6"

Build: Unremarkable

Clothes: Wears a closed jacket, styled like Reeze Baife's, but white instead of black, and isn't as long. Wears generic gloves, pants, and boots. Has a bandana that shadows over his eyes. Has a cross around his neck, and carries a guitar case with him. While not strictly clothing, it should be noted that he suffers from ahoge-ism. Badly, actually.

Attitude and Personality


Eccentric and underhanded, but loyal and reliable. He doesn't stand out a lot, and has a bit of a complex about this. Animals seem to love him despite all logic and the fact that he doesn't like them.


Has a dry, flat way of saying things and doesn't look very expressive. Can communicate solely in vague, non-commital single words and onomatopeias, but is actually fairly verbal and can be overbearing to listen to if given an opening.


He's a fairly good guy, but suffers from a poor personality. Stubborn, petty, envious, and vain, also something of a hypocrite as he'll fight dirty and cheapshot, but immediately accuses his foes of cheating(Even if it defies logic) when they win. He's also forgetful.


Somewhat indecisive, he likes being bossed around by women(Shamelessly so), although he complains endlessly about being told to do things. In fact, he complains about EVERYTHING.


He's also very, very unlucky.

Keywords, Origin Word

Keywords: Unremarkable, unlucky, loyal, complaining, underhanded

Origin Word: A single word or idea that is a definition of self. It is immutable and undeniable. Put a lot of thought into this. And I mean it. Guidelines: IGNORE ALL CONNOTATIONS TO THE WORD. There are no "good" or "bad" Origins. Find a word that, be DICTIONARY DEFINITION, describes you.



Ryougi Shiki is Emptiness. She'll always feel empty or unfulfilled inside, no matter what she does. That's why she wants a fight to the death, since it makes her feel more alive. Or something like that.

Kokuto Azaka is Taboo. She always does stuff that is generally frowned upon by society. This is not limited to just her incestuous love for Mikiya.

Royal Knight is Self-Sacrifice. He will always end up putting himself in a position to help someone else who's in an unfortunate situation, taking the pain for himself. Even if he has no right or reason to do so.


Sample Quotes


(Insert various generic one-word responses here)

"Well, it looks as if it's up to me again, my lady."

"Why do I get all of the hard work?"

"Did you get a good night's rest? No? Explosion and flaming shards of wood? Sorry to hear that. Heh heh.."

"This can't possibly fail."

"..Hmm. Well, maybe it was possible for it to fail after all."

"I _always_ have to do this."

"Nothing personal, but I've mouths to feed. All flooging fifty of them."

"You.. You cheated."

"It's too hot in here. And I'm hungry. I'm tired of running everyone's errands for them."

"Say hello to my little friend."

"Do you know how irritating it was to rush in here and complete those block puzzles in a hurry and deal with the random encounters just to beat you here to this exact spot?"

"..I.. Don't remember."


"I'm tired of being flooging Santa Claus."



Strengths, Roles


Strengths: Versatile, multi-targeting attacks and supports, high HP

Weaknesses: Most stats are low, bad armor, abysmal luck, no focus


In-depth Description: Jack of all trades, master of none. His mostly poor stats are offset by the large amount of decent abilities he has, usually something for every situation. Works alright from any range. Uses both mundane and magical skills decently, for everything from boosting allies to zeroing in on enemy weak points, overall a decent party member to use when you don't know what you're up against.

Stats (Relative to Others)


Physical Attributes


Strength (STR): D+

Endurance (END): A+

Dexterity (DEX): C+

Speed (SPD): C


Mental Attributes


Willpower (WILL): D+

Intelligence (INT): C+

Spirit (SPI): C+




Luck (LUK): Null value. Zero would be higher than this.

Magic Circuits (MC): 7



Primary Weapon: Sturdy Crowbar Nameless

Description: A nice, sturdy crowbar. It's a moderate-length, more rounded-bar kind of crowbar, and is a metal color. Not a whole lot to it. Such a tool has many uses for someone as handy as Constanze. Much like fictional video game characters, cracking skulls is one of them.


Secondary Weapon: Secondary weapon that you use, if applicable. If it has a name, put the name in italics.

Description: Physical description and elaboration of weapon. Capabilities of weapon.


Ultimate Weapon: If you plan on getting an ultimate weapon or ultimate modification through the course of the story, put it here. If it has a name, put the name in italics.

Description: Physical description and elaboration of weapon. Capabilities of weapon.


Armor: Holy Knight Jacket

Description: A variant of the style used by Reeze Baife. Shorter and white. Someone in the service who eschewed armor might go with this durable, stylish jacket, but obviously it's not exactly a bastion of defense to wear. Still, it's better than nothing.


Standard Attacks


Normal Attack: Constanze draws his crowbar from his guitar case, dashes, and gives a baseball bat swing from left to right.

Critical Attack: Constanze draws his crowbar from his guitar case, dashes, and apon reaching the foe, gives a good two-handed swing from the upper right to the bottom left.




(insert link to your Skillbook here)

Overview: Constanze has a fairly diverse range of techniques, manatechs, and spells. A lot are geared towards the offensive, harrassing the enemy if not outright damaging them, while some are more defensive, from some healing abilities to buff-type abilities.


Some of his abilities are geared to be more effective on certain types of enemies, above and beyond elemental weaknesses.


A lot of his abilities will work on multiple targets, but most of them would be the skills that don't revolve around mass direct damage or really good healing.




The tale of this unusual person begins in the (#) realm, where the first born to a poor, ill-fortuned couple was named Constanze. His circumstances and rearing turning him into a clever, resourceful young man, albiet plagued by bad luck, his health, and poor personality.


When the time was right and he was confident his family no longer needed him, he took his leave. However, it seemed there was no escape from having to be responsible, as thanks to his younger sister bringing home strays, it had become his job to care for them, and this would be a very long, continuing trend for him even as he made it on his own.


Having worked from a young age, he was fairly capable and could make ends meet by doing a number of things, but as he went into the world his eye and mind were captured by the Holy Knights, the world's do-gooders. Even the somewhat jaded Constanze looked up to them, and despite his underwhelming physical shape, took a chance and tried to see how far he could go.


For one such as him the deck was stacked, but as a general rule he was used to poor odds, and even with his problems he managed to work his way into the ranks, enough time and effort showing him the Knighthood he sought.


It was a fair life for him, but it wasn't to last. Rather than his personality, his tendency to fight dirty, or even his mediocre skill, it was simply poor decision making on his part.


When a new youth began training to become a knight, Constanze saw it to his potential benefit if he took the recruit under his wing. Especially since he loved the idea of a cute young knight following him around and being in his debt. However, she, like most young women, had a powerful effect on Constanze, and whatever she wanted, he was compelled to do. And quite gladly at that.


It wasn't too long until a bizarre, totally improper 'relationship' began, and before much longer it was consumated at the worst time and place possible. Specifically, it was on the desk of Constanze's commanding knight, just as he was returning.


It was also a really bad time and place to learn that she was his daughter.


After fleeing the entire realm for his life, Constanze eventually started over, with unwavering resolve. Taking a small ranch outside the city limits in the (#) realm, he built a new existence. Taking care of his many, not exactly willingly acquired animals, and doing whatever jobs he could. Even a few stints in the military, whatever needed to be done, he felt he could, and would study, train, or just blunder his way through by ear until he could do it passibly.


However, once again his bad luck came through, and during a remote mercenary job he was greatly injured in a mine-laying accident. (He denies rumors that he accidently attempted to bury a mine on top of another mine he had placed in the same spot three minutes ago, and instead insists it was an 'experiment' to make a 'super mine'. Wether it was the clumsy answer or the stupid one, no one may ever know.)


With the lack of available healers in the area, he was hospitalized for a long time before he could get better. Obviously, he had a host of expenses awaiting him as he went back out into the world, and things were in dire straights.


Worse yet, the odd job market was drying up, and eventually a lot of the better work was being done for more unsavory types, as the mafia and such criminal groups began to flex their might more openly. He began to grow dissatisfied with what he was doing. A little wetwork here or there was understandable, some guys really had a good whack coming, but it was becoming too frequent, other kinds of work not doing much better.


Still, the growing number of mouths at his home ranch pressed him on. He hated having to take care of them, but he knew that he was the only chance the hodgepodge of stray animals would have at living decently. Or living period.


Eventually, one fateful mission would send his life on yet another sudden turn.


A criminal group, one of many having some 'territory issues', a common thing Constanze was hearing at the time, assigned him to take down a building occupied by an 'unwelcome new neighbor'. Constanze, feeling a bit in his element with demolition, went to the task quickly, rigging the building while staking it out for occupants.


It was a while before he realized that he was being outfoxed the entire time.


As he reached the top floor, he drew his weapon, noting a short figure standing in the shadows. With a toss, he saw a bundle of wires slide across the floor at him, his hard work apparently having been sabotaged all the way as he went. As it would turn out, by this sole interloper.


As she stepped into the light, he stepped back, on the defensive. A pretty, very young girl in a dress, a vision of loveliness, even the dim light of the building seeming to make her shine in his eyes. One of the most prominent features being the soft-looking cat ears atop her head.


Constanze was mesmerized. She might have been talking, but he wasn't able to hear it above the hammering of his own heart in his ears. He had never seen such a cute young thing in his entire life.


Of course, this hesitation was short lived, as the young woman, EBL-tan, proceeded to take him apart quickly and painfully. Even if he would have fought back, he wouldn't have been able to win.


As he lay there, bleeding, EBL-tan finds him to be no longer a threat, and satisfied, goes to leave. However, the durable Constanze can still move, and he uses all his willpower to get up and pursue her. He spies a chance he simply cannot pass up.


...Of course, this is hardly for a rematch. Despite nearly getting taken out the window, Constanze manages to convey his sentiments. He wants to serve her. EBL-tan wants nothing to do with him, but her attitude simply makes Constanze desire it more.


This continues for a while, as Constanze follows her around, like a lovesick puppy, and she kicks him away. Stubbornly he never admits defeat, and eventually, it pays off.


Like the start of some really bad anime, she finally relents and Constanze becomes her lackey. (After all, he can carry her luggage.)


He works long and hard to gain her trust, to show that he'll be her obedient footstool or whatever she needs.


She seems to be gaining enemies, as shown by his last job, and he does all he can to squelch them. He remains unsure of what exactly it is she's doing, or who it is she works for, although it seems to be someone she cares about and trusts. Still, he figures it's not worth thinking about. After all, perhaps she'll think highly of him too someday if he works hard enough.


Having a young girl ordering him around is the best job he could possibly have, and the fact that she's willing to pay him well enough means that he shouldn't look a gift loli in the mouth. He also finds that his wide array of skills are coming in handy, glad to flex his resourcefulness and cunning to it's fullest extent.


Things are good. Granted, there have been some disturbing rumors of things happening in the outer realms.. Stories of entire armies wiped out, a spreading darkness. Constanze continues to steel his resolve, clinging to this happiness he has now, concentrating solely on it as he walks a dangerous path through life.


Introduction to the Party


Create a situation that you'd like to make first contact with the party. Also, create a situation that you'd like to where you actually JOIN the party.

Plot-related Events


Event Title

Event summary goes here.



Your dedicated character sidequest, if you want one. But you only get one. You would also get something at the end. Like a big boss fight. And a weapon. Or ability (particularly your Reality Marble). Or both.


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