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Page history last edited by RoyalKnight 17 years, 8 months ago

Top > Game Mechanics Final v0.2.0

Game Mechanics Final v0.2.0

This is a general overview of game mechanics, a lot of which is battle-oriented. This is only "Final" in the respect that the major concepts be mostly set in stone, that we have something to work off from, and so that Programming can actually do something. Game Mechanics are final; programmers are free to start doing stuff.

So, without further ado...


Core Mechanics

Section I: Character Basics

Section II: Character Powers

Section III: Skill Learning

Section IV: The World

Section V: Battle System


Equipment Upgrade Mechanics

Reality Marble Wishlist

Item Index

Common Skills


Battle Engine: Notes

RK's Programming Notes







Many thanks to Alt, Arai, Constanze, DG, Drm, kiryuu, Mirioki and sssssz for tolerating my ramblings and questions.

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