Equipment Upgrade List
Description: General weapon improvement.
Effect: Improves all weapon parameters. Permanent, does not take up a slot.
Cost: Bunch of Metal-Type items. Cumulative cost increase.
Outpost level capped to 2 or 3.
Hardened Edge
Description: Hardened edge allows some armour piercing capability.
Effect: Weapon ignores a certain percentage of target Armour Class.
Cost: Bunch of Metal-Type items.
Bone Hilt
Description: Bone hilt improves weapon balance.
Effect: Improves accuracy.
Cost: Bunch of Bone-Type items.
Description: General armour improvement.
Effect: Improves all armour parameters. Permanent, does not take up a slot.
Cost: Bunch of Leather-Type items. Cumulative cost increase.
Brigandine Plate
Description: Pieces of plate attached underneath at vital spots to greatly improve defense, but impedes mobility.
Effect: Improves defense but decreases evasion.
Cost: Leather and Metal Type items.
Hide Layering
Description: Use of animal hide to boost resistance against the elements.
Effect: Improved magical resistance.
Cost: Leather and Hide Type items.
Ointment Infusion
Description: Soaks the armour in an ointment that while kinda smells, helps soothe aching muscles.
Effect: Improved fatigue recovery.
Cost: Bunch of Healing-Type items.
Royal Knight
Description: General weapon improvement.
Effect: Improves all weapon parameters. Permanent, does not take up a slot.
Cost: Bunch of Metal-Type items. Cumulative cost increase.
Outpost level capped to 2 or 3.
Hardened Edge
Description: Hardened edge allows some armour piercing capability.
Effect: Weapon ignores a certain percentage of target Armour Class.
Cost: Bunch of Metal-Type items.
Gemmed Hilt
Description: Sets some gems into the hilt of the sword, allowing it to store magical energy.
Effect: Improves Max MP.
Cost: Jewelery-Type items.
Description: General armour improvement.
Effect: Improves all armour parameters. Permanent, does not take up a slot.
Cost: Bunch of Metal-Type items. Cumulative cost increase.
Heavy Reinforcement
Description: Additional layers of plate improves defense in many areas, but comes with increased weight.
Effect: Greatly improves both defense and magical resistance. Decreases speed and fatigue recovery. Fatigue is generated quicker.
Cost: Bunch of Metal-Type items.
Carapace Layer
Description: Additional crude patchwork using all natural ingredients.
Effect: Improves defense but decreases fire resistance.
Cost: Carapace-Type items.
Reflective Coating
Description: The chicks dig the knights in shining armour! Endless sheen without a polish!
Effect: Moderately improved magical resistance.
Cost: Precious Metal type items.
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